Obligatory 2023 update

One thing I do when it’s been a minute or a full 18 months since I last wrote anything at all, is reread the previous 6-10 entries from 2022 and before, and cringe until I give myself a heart attack.

And now that that’s out of the way, I can confidently update on life as we know it for my sanity’s sake and for posterity’s sake: It is now 2023 which is (*counts fingers*) 18 years of having this blog, which has morphed from drunk young Florida transplant mom blog to crazy self-righteous Christian Oklahoma mom blog to simply crazy mom blog to I don’t even know what right now. A survival blog? I like to think of myself as the Bear Grylls of the extreme parenting realm.

And life is good. It’s really good. As it turns out, having lots of kids is actually a lot harder in practice than it is in theory so the fact that I’m here in the other side of four 4-and-under plus 3 bigs is a testament to God’s good grace and His sick sense of humor. I only had a few major run ins with Bell’s Palsy where my entire face dropped and my eyes twitched like mad for a couple of the roughest years but I made it. I’m here. I made it.

Here’s some stuff I’ve been doing now that all the kids are in school everyday for at least half the day: walking. It’s the most calm & peaceful thing, and it’s done wonders for my entire soul. I walk for miles and miles every day. My farthest trek was 8 miles; I have dreams of squeezing in an 11-miler before the school year comes to a close.

And that’s it. That’s the scoop, that’s the word. I have successfully joined the ranks of hundreds of thousands of forty-something year old moms and I’ve gotten my membership to the Boring and Proud Club, and I walk now, that’s what I do.

Other possibilities in this new life where I do not wipe bottoms and get juice boxes all day everyday:

Write a book

Paint paintings

Paint murals

Spruce up the house

Tackle some home improvement projects

Get a job as a mail carrier for the USPS

Move to Florida

Become a coastal postal grandma

Master the art of baking pan dulce

Learn stained glass and pottery

Get super fluent in Spanish and Italian

Grow and sell more Microgreens

Anyway. That is all, thank you for reading, I will not be taking questions at this time.

But I will share some pictures.

About Toni

Mom. Wife. Artist. I take care of the kids and pretend to clean sometimes. I can cook spagetti and I have never been arrested. View all posts by Toni

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